About Pollinate HV

Pollinate HV and The Hudson Valley Pollinator Action Guide is a project of Partners for Climate Action, a non profit organization with a mission to catalyze ecological action in the Hudson Valley bioregion.

If you are a land manager at any scale, urban or suburban resident, gardener, farmer or anyone interested in supporting threatened native pollinators, this guide is for you!

Our goals in creating and offering this Pollinator Action Guide are…

  1. To identify actions needed to support threatened pollinators in the Hudson Valley

  2. To provide a set of regionally specific tools for those actions for people working with land at any scale

  3. To go beyond the theoretical by implementing and documenting case study restoration sites and sharing the lessons learned during those projects

Here you will find information on Hudson Valley native pollinators at greatest risk of population decline and extinction, and learn how to support their fragile populations using locally native plant species and restoration techniques appropriate to the Northeast. 

The Action Guide Team

Written By Avalon Bunge and Ashley Gamell

Conceived by Sue Sie, Matt Stinchcomb, and Bob Dandrew

Based upon work completed for Partners for Climate Action by Landscape Interactions.

Including research by Molly Jacobson and Alex Petzke (SUNY ESF); Dr. Robert Gegear (UMASS Dartmouth); Matthew Schlesinger, Erin White, and Nick Conrad (New York Natural Heritage Program); Lief Richardson (Xerces Society); and Amanda Dillon (Albany Pine Bush Preserve).

Special thanks to Laurie Husted, Amy Parella, Vals Osborne, Angela Sisson, Athena Fliakos, Eli Arnow, Shanyn Siegel, Adam Deen, Eli Scheer, and three anonymous reviewers. 

A special shout out to Sue Sie, lover of pollination and a devotee of growing beauty in this world. Thank you for your leadership and support in making this project possible.

We want to hear from YOU!

Help us make this living document as useful and user-friendly as possible. Are you working on a project using plants from our plant lists or techniques from the How-To Guide? Do you have comments on how this site’s navigation can be improved? Have a favorite native nursery, field guide, or other resource to add to our list? 

CONTACT US to share your feedback and recommendations.

If you wish to support ecological restoration in the Hudson Valley, please consider making a donation to Partners for Climate Action